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Excellent story thus far. Can't wait for more on it.

is there a place where we can download the original, complete game?


Here you go, complete game -

I am both mad and impressed... lol


but I am also serious, is there a place where we can download the original, complete game?


It's the original, I'm the author, and work is in the progress :)

That link made my day!


keep up the good work! 

Thanks ^^

also I am ashamed that I went though the video game quiz and if i didn't get a perfect score, I just re-winded and tried again :(

Is there a walkthrough for this anywhere?

It's available for my patrons

How much content is in this game?  The last time I played it was 0.5 and the game seemed to be very short.

Please I recently download this game but it's showing me install was not successful,

Can you fix it

What's the platform you're using to play it?

If android, it may be due to a lack of RAM or storage space, if it's not the case, try to reboot your phone.


I just wanted to say that this is an amazing game and I can't wait to see how the story progresses!

Thank you ^^


Please creat second part of this... please... please 🥺🥺🥺...I am so excited 😆 for...the second part please.. release this very soon.... please 🥺🥺🥺....


For now I'm working on remaking first parts

what is the difference between compressed and normal version


Compressed is compressed 


I'm not making any translations at the moment

I made for you hon, it says: "Has the author considered making the game into Chinese"

Do you have an update schedule? Or just an estimated time on when there will be updates?


There is no ETA for updates. I upload them, when they're ready.


so you could possibly update in about 3 years or 2 days in a row or smth? 


I release updates whenever they are ready :)


still no updates


Work in progress

I've downloaded and extract 0.6 twice now, and the launcher still won't start.  I'm on Kubuntu 20.04 and lots of other games that use the "same" Ren'Py launcher work fine.  0.5 worked fine.  I've got 32 GB RAM, 10+ GB of free space on the volume the launcher lives on, and a 4+ GHz 8-core processor, so I don't think there's a resource problem.  Suggestions?

It's a bug for this version, non-compressed version for Linux is not working correctly. Download the compressed one.


Okay, grabbed the one with "compressed" in the title, it's extracting now.  Thanks!


I've got to say, this is simply THE BEST i've seen. The story's nice, the girls are 100% adorable, lifelike, detailed expressions, and all of them appeal to my tasete! This is perfection, masterpeice. Just one thing though, is it possible to see the completion of this within one to two years?


Ah, I hope so, but idk, there's a lot of work to do ^^"

What is DD scenes?

Scenes after credits, with my mascot DD


Just stumbled on this game a few days ago. Normally I'm not a big fan of convenient fantasies, as it felt so needlessly naive. But going through the story here, I just can't help thinking about the "Helen" and "Yui" of my real life. It gave me a lot of deja Vu for the good old days, well except the mutual acceptance part which is unthinkable haha. 

Thank you for giving the experience and reminded me how good life still is.


Glad you liked it ^^

Are all the replays/animations/images in the gallery available to get as of now? Just played through the game for the first time, have to say it's hard to pick a favorite. You made them all too good to pick from. Also... Shinigami did a good thing "snuffing" the chance for Yui to get pregnant in my opinion. She likely wouldn't be able to handle it, and it would cause discontent between the girls. So it's both good and bad, even though Shinigami did it for whatever selfish reason she has, it works out in the long run.

Everything in gallery is what available as of now, yes



Every girl will get attention eventually ;)


No update with in 2 years?


Last update was March this year.


not on here as a update ?


hes doing a rework on the game, so its gonna be a while. its not a dead game in case u were wondering, it just takes time to get shit done. having played it, i can honestly say its worth the wait. do other shit in the mean time, itll come eventually


Uh, you can't see 0.6 package or something?

(1 edit)

Why couldn't i see replay for Kate is it a bug, or the game is created like this.

Btw loved you game it's 10/10

Which one?

Is it possible to get an update on the development? it's been three months.

Development is in progress, and always been.  Last progress update was posted in May.

Soon I'll post some previews for the rework.


Aight, cool. The posts on Itchio are my, and I'm sure plenty, of users port of call. Even if it's just copying and pasting from other update streams, please keep us posted too. Looking forward to the rework.


I will try to 👍


omg I need to know what happens next what does it meannnn.

I never thought this game would hit me with all this suspense! Keep up the great work looking forward to the next updates 


Glad you liked it ^^

(1 edit)

Does turning the dd scenes and show hints on affects the scenes, storyline and the over all gameplay?

No, it's not

Any hints as to which girl the next version will primarily be around? After the rework I mean.

Either way, looking forward to it! Hope things go by smoothly for you

I hope to cover some girls in the 0.7, and it's yet to be decided which ones ^^


Will there be pregnancy in the future? I don't know why, but its a wholesome fetish. 


It probably won't be pregnant sex scene, but impregnation most likely to be presented in the future

How is pregnancy a wholesome fetish?...

I just finished the game the story is really good but when is the update


You can always check for the completion status here or on patreon, and for latest public posts with the news there too.


Love it, spectacular, but Shinigami killed my Pregnant fetish >:c (And i love it, good plot  *´∇`* )


Thank you ^^

Pregnancy will be a plot device in the future ;3


I know its silly to expect logic in a pr0n game, but I am seriously amused by Helen  saying "We're going to take your summer vacation away from you and force you join a club together," and in the next breath saying "So, let's make it a vacation club!"


The reason why Helen created the club was not to take away their vacation :)


Not the club per se.  They're being forced to go to school during the summer, hence losing their summer vacation time.  Or at least a large part of it.  Thankfully, The Club is taking up the lion's share of that "lost" vacation, and as the game plot says, Helen trying to have it involve as little actual schoolwork as possible -- but hinted there will be at least some.


By the way, I have a simple answer for what to have the club do (not defined in the game thus far; Our Hero has just returned Helen's keys):  charter the school's Fan Film club, and make a movie (Yui's request) about a Final Fantasy X (Sophie's cosplay) blitzball team (Liz's sports)....PROBLEM SOLVED!

Hi Devil's Dad! Can I translate your game on Russian or Ukrainian languages? Are you interested in it?


I think someone was making a fan translation already, but if you'd like to. I'm not against fan translations.

Why does it ask for file access on android?


To save your game progress

why does Helen have high stat options at the start of the game.

Hello and really thank you for great game 

Can you tell me when is 0.7 update coming?


Hello, glad you like the game ^^

I don't set estimate dates because work on a game is a creative process. And I care about quality of my product.


as if creators can't estimate their schedules. what a lame answer. i'm creative on my job everyday and i still must make deadlines. sheesh what an excuse.

(1 edit) (+12)

I just care about what I do, and don't half-ass it :)


so everyone that works on a schedule do half-assed work is that it? I guess some are better than others at being creative AND working to a schedule. so sorry for you.




bro, will u let someone drink water and put down d cup? how many of these visual novels have u tried playing when they're still in development? anytime a new episode comes out, good for us, until then, they're NEVER any u know how hard it is and how long it takes to debug an already-written code?

This isn't "work" for dd, it's "fun" just in case u think everybody has to be a bitch like u 

(1 edit) (+2)

I mean, what kind of person forces someone else who does something fun for themselves and shares it with others so they too can have fun to be faster with their developments? you sound stupid man, let someone create for fun, not everything's about work... do u think u would have loved this game this much if dd rushed it? I  mean, that's d sweet part about being ur own boss, isn't it?

no deadlines whatsoever

Now sit d fuck down and wait like the rest of us


That only applies when you work for someone else or your work is defined enough to not even call it creative, and tbh for this kind of things it just goes better when the dev makes the work they think is needed before setting the deadlines just to wrap it up, otherway they end like Cyberpunk 2077 with a glitchy ass game just to please a few people who thinks a date is a big thing, specially in games it shouldn't be that way, renders make take forever for some scenes, the code sometimes will fail over a typo that takes an eternity to find, sometimes theres "nothing wrong" all the way in and you still need to change or delete a whole part of the game because a random bug appears, sometimes things happen not even for devs mistakes, sometimes the updates on the engine changes something that used to work and then suddenly it does't, there are way too many variables on this kind of works, and when the work is done by just one person the challenge is bigger, this isn't a big corporate, is a page where independent devs upload their works.


I mean, I never thought I'd see someone saying "Be fast pls, we're waiting"...da hell?

for a game you're enjoying, you feel obliged to force the developer to be fast and finish it?

people are really shitty man

Who sings the song Orange I can't find this song on the Internet


It's at the start of the song sequence. Aoi Okutsu.

Deleted 2 years ago

As I replied to you on discord, experiment with the points of love and lewd in the last scene with her alone


Already got the animation, worth every struggles and experiments, love the scene <3

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Damn this story is one of the best out right now. It really needs to continue


I really need this continue


Is falling love with Yui the only ending? I wish to see more stories with the other charming girls


It's the end of current content, 0.7 update will continue story from that 

Then I guess i have to wait then lol

Deleted 2 years ago

I truly love the game it's great at all aspects but rn it lacks content i know developing a game is hard so cheer up!! Hoping to see more on this game in the future :>

😠 😡 😤

I usually dont like 3d VN but the character designs look a little anime-ish than realistic which is good. Also is v0.6 only until Yui scene? Finished it in around 5 hrs.

You sure know how to do a perfect O Fuck Moment and making it the Cliffhanger was just great

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